
キャリア教育 ーEducation to carve oneʼs Career Pathー

現状 Present situation



Kanazawa University has carried out many programs to become a university open to the world, more specifically, to be a global campus. At present, more than 600 foreign students are studying at our campus. After graduation or completion of their education program, they work in universities and research institutions all over the world including in their home countries and Japan, and a considerable number also work for private companies.

課題 Problems



Foreign students lack Japanese communication skill and an understanding of Japanese culture / corporate culture, making it difficult to enter Japanese companies. Japanese companies employ fresh graduates and train them over time expecting that they will work for the company for a long period of time, which is quite different from many companies in the U.S. and the rest of the world. These distinctive cultural, organizational and strategic characteristics of Japanese companies were built up over many years. Although they are changing little by little due to globalization, this basic philosophy does not change – it is the source of Japanese companies’ strength. Accordingly, the job-hunting approach for Japanese companies is different to that of foreign companies.

解決のための教育プログラム Educational program



In this program, students will learn about Japan’s unique corporate culture, corporate organization, and corporate strategy as Corporate Culture and Organization Theory A and B. In addition, students can learn about Ishikawa, Kanazawa, and Japanese culture through Ishikawa Kanazawa Studies and gain an understanding of Japan. In addition, we offer a group of MOT courses to study technology management in globalizing Japanese companies. By taking these courses, you will be able to smoothly conduct your job hunting activities, obtain job offers from the companies of your choice, and fully demonstrate your abilities in Japanese companies.


科目区分 Course Category

授業科目名 Course

Career Education (Education to carve one’s career path)

Corporate Culture and Organization Theories A

Corporate Culture and Organization Theories B

Ishikawa-Kanazawa Studies

Strategy for Business and Technology Management

Mathematical, Data Science, and AI Basic

Innovation Methodology A,B

破壊的イノベーションに向けた技術経営論 (英語による講義)

MOT as for Disruptive Innovation  (offered in English)


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