Business Japanese LanguageEducation Program
ビジネス日本語講座 /
Business Japanese Language Education Program
留学⽣教育部は、⽇本の企業への就職を目指す留学⽣を対象としたビジネス⽇本語コースを開講しています。ビジネス⽇本語Ⅰ〜Ⅲの3 講座で、就職活動に役⽴つ⼀般的知識と⽇本語を学びます。また、ビジネス・コミュニケーション1では、就職活動を進めるにあたって必要なビジネス場⾯における⽇本語⼒を⾝に付け、ビジネス・コミュニケーション2では⼊社後に役⽴つビジネス⽇本語と⽇本企業で働くために必要な知識とスキルを⾝につけます。
School of International Education offers the Business Japanese Language Education course for international students who wish to work in a Japanese company in the future. Students will acquire the knowledge necessary to the process of job-hunting in Japan through Business Japanese I,II,III. Students will also acquire Japanese language skills for holding conversations in business situations through Business Communication 1 and the knowledge or skills necessary to work at a Japanese company in Japan or overseas through Business Commucation2.

●ビジネス日本語Ⅰ Business Japanese 1
Business Japanese 1 will enable students to learn about the process of job-hunting in Japan, Japanese companies, Japanese society, and the Japanese economy.
●ビジネス日本語Ⅱ Business Japanese 2
ビジネス日本語Ⅱでは,就職先となる業界や企業についての理解を深め,就職活動に必要な日本語の履歴書やエントリーシートの作成について学びます。 Business Japanese 2 will enable students to learn about Japanese industries and companies. Students will also begin preparing resumes and job application forms.
●ビジネス・コミュニケーション1 Business Communication 1
Students will begin to acquire the Japanese ability necessary for recruitment activities and the basic business etiquette necessary for doing internships.
●ビジネス・コミュニケーション2 Business Communication 2
Business Communication2 will enable students to acquire the basic knowledge and practical Japanese skills necessary for working at a Japanese company.
●協働的就職実践合宿 Cooperative job hunting Training Camp
全て日本語で行われるため、日本語能力試験 N2レベル以上の日本語能力がある学生が対象です。合宿地は長野です。
Students will visit companies and train job hunting skills in Nagano Prefecture with Shinshu University students in February. Since this lecture will be given in Japanese, it requires Japanese Language proficiency of JLPT N2 level or more. This training camp will be offered in Nagano.
Besides the Business Japanese Course above, School of International Education offers the Integrated Japanese Language Program which is offered for all international students enrolled at Kanazawa University. For more details, please access to Kanazawa University School of International Education Website.
科目区分 Course Category | 授業科目名 Course |
ビジネス日本語教育科目 Business Japanese Education |
ビジネス日本語Ⅰ Business JapaneseⅠ |
ビジネス日本語Ⅱ Business Japanese Ⅱ |
ビジネス・コミュニケーションⅠ Business CommunicationⅠ |
ビジネス・コミュニケーションⅡ Business CommunicationⅡ |
総合日本語 General Japanese |
協働的就職実践合宿 Cooperative job hunting Training Camp |