― 「かがやき・つなぐ」北陸・信州留学生就職促進プログラム ―
“Kagayaki -Tsunagu” Hokuriku-Shinshu Employment Promotion Program
Welcome to the news site of
Job-Hunting Guidance for International Students at Kanazawa University (on the Web)
“Why not find employment at Japanese companies? Let us help you !”
At this web guidance, international students who have successfully gone through job-hunting in Japan and received official job offers (Naitei) will give you the tips to find a job in a Japanese company.
Eligible students: International Students
Japan’s job-hunting season shifts into high gear in March (third year undergraduate students and first year graduate students) . Many students participate in internship provided by Japanese company before the season. Making a plan and going forward with it is the key to success. Educational programs provided by Hokuriku-Shinshu Employment Promotion Program will enable the job-seeking students to enhance abilities and skills for finding employment in Japan. The educational programs will provide practical training such as writing resumes or job application forms to pass document screening. They will also provide knowledge about the typical Japanese companies and the working styles. Draw a vision of your future, find a company you want to work for and aim to get a job at a Japanese company.
The followings are the contents of the web guidance
1. 日本での留学生の就職動向
Employment trends of international students in Japan
Job-Hunting Guidance for International Students(About subjects and how to take the subjects)
3つの教育プログラムの内容 Three educational programs
Kanazawa University provides international students who are interested in employment by Japanese companies with the subjects of the following 3 categories.
①ビジネス日本語教育プログラム Business Japanese Language Education Program
●ビジネス日本語Ⅰ Business Japanese I
Students will learn about the process of job hunting in Japan, Japanese industry, companies, Japanese society, and the Japanese economy. They will also conduct self-analysis and learn how to write “ self promotion ” and resume to prepare for job hunting.
●ビジネス日本語II Business Japanese II
Students will prepare resumes and job application forms for job hunting and also practice for a job interview and group discussion in a practical way.
●ビジネス・コミュニケーションI Business Communication I
Students will acquire Japanese skills(honorifics, conversation in business situations, writing formal e-mails) necessary for job-hunting and students will also learn basic business etiquette necessary for doing internships.
●ビジネス・コミュニケーションII Business Communication II
Students will acquire business skills and etiquettes necessary after you have started
working at Japanese companies.
This class is for the international students who are going to start working at Japanese companies from Spring 2022.
ビジネス日本語プログラムは日本語能力が中級以上の留学生向けです。日本語のレベルがJLPI N2より低い場合は、総合日本語プログラムの科目を受けてください。詳しくはhttp://kuglobal.w3.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/sie/IJLP/(日本語)をご覧ください。
This course is targeted at students with intermediate or advanced Japanese language proficiency. (JLPT N2 or more) If your Japanese proficiency is below JLPT N2, please take classes provided by Integrated Japanese Language Program.
Visit our website for more information.
②キャリア教育プログラム Education to Carve one’s Career Path
It aims at understanding working style and characteristics of Japanese companies, and how to conduct recruitment activities to find employment at Japanese companies.
<主な科目>Main Subjects
企業文化組織論A Corporate Culture and Organization Theories A
– 留学生OB,OGからの話を聞いて、キャリア設計や日本企業で働く意義を理解します。
– 日本企業の会社紹介があります。
Students will understand a career design and the significance of working at Japanese companies through presentations by international student alumni.
Introductions to Japanese companies.
企業文化組織論B Corporate Culture and Organization Theories B
Students will learn corporate culture, company organization theory, and corporate strategy theory of Japanese companies.
いしかわ金沢学 Culture of Ishikawa / Kanazawa
いしかわ金沢学では、石川および金沢に関する文化や歴史について合宿形式で学びます。また、信州への訪問を通 して信州の文化も学び、日本文化の多様性を理解します。
In Ishikawa-Kanazawa Studies, students will learn culture and history of Ishikawa and Kanazawa through training camps. They will also visit Shinshu, Nagano to capture diversity in Japanese culture.
③インターンシップ・プログラム Internship Program at Japanese companies
It aims at providing with opportunities to obtain first-hand knowledge of business and working at Japanese companies through internships.
Since experience of internship is essential when selecting people in job-hunting recently, students who wish to work at Japanese companies are highly recommended to join internships held by companies.
Besides taking the subjects of these three educational programs, you will get supports from the Career Supporting Office to find companies which you wish to work for.
Part 2
修了認定 Completion Certificates
Kanazawa University will confer Completion Certificates “Platinum”, “Gold” and “Silver” to
regular international students who will meet the credit-completion requirement of the Program.
Part 3
履修の方法 How to take the subjects
At the guidance, detailed information about selecting subjects will be given by grade and graduation
Year and month. Please get information you need to register for subjects.